Numbers of Arab prisoners Israel has released and the dates

Numbers of Arab prisoners Israel has released and the dates

From the info I have been able to find, the number is higher than the 7,000 estimate some say online. From my calculations, the criminal Israeli leadership (under pressure from ‘Elites’ in our country) have released 9,471 Arab prisoners since 1983. Below are the individual numbers I could find with links so you can see it for yourself.

In November 1983 – 4,600

June 28, 1984 – 304 (Syrian prisoners and a couple Arabs)…

In May 20, 1985 – 1,150

In 1986 – 436

September 12, 1981 – 51…

In June 1998 – 65 to Lebanon

Friday October 22, 1999 – 151

August 6, 2003 – 339

January 29, 2004 – 436

December 28, 2004 – 159

June 2, 2005 – 398

February 21, 2005 – 500

July 20, 2007 – 255

December 3, 2007 – 429

August 25, 2008 – 198

Tribulation – Proof, Not Yet

Proofs that we are *Not* in the literal Biblical Tribulation yet

(but do get ready, refining trials are coming) September 2023 Bible study

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, and unsaved friends who want to know where we are in God’s end-time events. This is a short study and outline to help you track where we are in God’s time-clock and map.

To catch the hoaxes of satan, you have to first understand that God always tells the truth, and satan always tells some form of lie. The devil, satan, is a lot more outspoken than you have probably realized. Have you ever tried to count how many different ways satan lies to you and those around you? Have you ever stopped to count how many people he gets to say his lies? Have you ever stopped to count how many times and ways satan mocks God, the Bible, the consequences of sin, holiness, honesty, truth, Heaven and Hell, the Messiah Jesus/Yeshua , and the Bible? If you haven’t, you need to. There have been dozens, even hundreds, of false prophecies from satan through his servants projecting wrong dates, non-Biblical and even anti-Biblical events, times, seasons, and signs. The more of satan’s hoaxes you fall for or get deceived by, the more confused about God you will be.

To truly understand why God has established judgments and prophecies against satan’s team and satan himself, you have to do a deeper understanding of how cruel the sins, abuses, and crimes of the devil and his team are. But that is a study for another time. Simply put, sin (especially sin from a hardened heart) is terrorism – it’s an attack on the honest or innocent. Abusers try to attack the innocent and honest people to silence consequences and fight for their twisted sin-pleasures. The only thing sin-driven and money driven abusers stop because of is a force of consequences equal to their hardness of heart in fighting for their sins and crimes. And for those who keep hardening their hearts deeper in sin, eventually there is no repentance allowed, only the fiery expectation of judgment equal to their level of sins, abuses, and crimes, forever. God is always 100% fair, the more you get to know Him, the more you will see that. So, God is just and fair. And we need to learn to become like Him, yes? Good, let’s keep growing.

Throughout the last 500 to 1000 years, satan, the liar, has tried to pretend the Tribulation happened, seemingly every year or every few years. There have been far too many false prophecies to count in the last few hundred years, including pretending Hitler was the antichrist around WWII, then there was the “end of the world” around Y2K, and then again with 9/11/01, and of course the mockery/lies about certain US “presidents”, being “the antichrist”. There is much to discuss here, another time.

But, moving forward, we hope this little study will help you think through what God says, so you can let God enhance your eyesight to catch more of satan’s lies, schemes, and liars. The devil, satan, is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:1-3). So, yes, he has many voices asking and preaching 3 things: 1) Did God really say? Is God being honest? 2) Will intentional sins really kill you? And 3) You can become a “god” or like God if you follow satan.

If you have more questions on any of these topics, just ask in the comments or write us directly: Steven.H3(at)

So, with those short notes, let us look at God’s Word to prove that, according to God, who actually knows the beginning from the end, and the exact placement and timings, we are *NOT* in the literal, Biblical Tribulation. Is it rough? Yes. Refining trials are coming, but it’s not the Tribulation, yet.

List of proofs:

1) The Biblical rapture will not be a secret rapture, every person on earth will know that Jesus has come in the sky. Verses: Revelation 1:7, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; see also: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 | Secondary proof, satan has been working since WWII to do an elaborate display of lights, mirrors, chemtrails, lasers, holograms, and secret international NWO military equipment to “prove” we are fighting aliens, and it also shows up many times in the super-hero mythology of Rome and her Jesuit false teachers and false prophets.

2) The literal Biblical rapture precedes (takes place before) the revealing of the actual one-world antichrist and his rise to power and signing of treaties. Verses: Revelation 3:10, 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8

3) The Tribulation starts *after* the “church age” has ended at the Biblical rapture. And it will be clear that the rapture has happened, because Jesus will snatch up all honest followers of Jesus worldwide, and leave behind all “almost saved” church people, and Jesus will speak directly to each of them directly. There’s nothing secret here – God does everything openly. You won’t miss it. Verses: Revelation 4:1, Revelation 3:7-22, 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5

4) The Tribulation cannot start until *after* the Biblical “rapture”, after “these things” (Rev4:1) which is the end of the “church age” (Revelation 2 and 3), and *after* the revealing of the actual 1-man leader of the world, the “antichrist”, meaning false messiah/Christ, who will quickly become the one-world dictator. You will not be able to miss it. Everyone will see it. The devil won’t be able to hide his tricks.

5) The Tribulation will *NOT* happen like any false teaching books or movies you have read or watched, including the blasphemous and lying “Left Behind” series. The “Left Behind” series has far too many lies to count – it’s almost 100% blasphemy that pretends God is absent, uncaring or silent, etc. So, to clarify again, the Biblical rapture and Biblical Tribulation *will not* happen like the books/movies of fiction say, but *will* happen exactly how God says clearly in His Word, the Bible. The Tribulation will not happen like any other false prophecy of Rome and other false religions either. It will happen in the order you see in the actual Book of Revelation, given by Jesus to the apostle John around 90AD to 95AD.

6) You cannot have a few parts and pieces at a time of the Tribulation and not the Tribulation as a whole, and in order. Either it all happens and in the order of and as God says it will happen, *or* what you are seeing is just another very elaborate satanic hoax.

7) The Book of Revelation is an actual chronology, and a final map of the church age, Tribulation, 1000 year reign of Christ, then the final judgments, and then the God removing the old heaven and earth, and God creating a new Heaven and earth. If you study it carefully and keep it in the right order, you can follow it quite easily. And everything else Jesus and the Bible says, fits directly in, when kept in context and a proper translation. Revelation chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 will happen in exact order. Revelation 12 and 13 are reviews. Revelation 14 and 15 are a short pause, then Revelation 16, 17, 18, and 19 are going to happen in order again. Revelation 20 is a very brief account of the final judgments at the Great White Throne (for the unsaved), and the final judgments at the Bema Seat of Christ, for those who had not been judged yet. Then Revelation 21 and 22 is the brief preview of what the new heaven and new earth and the eternal community will be like, which God’s prophets Isaiah and Zechariah also talk a little about.

8) The literal 7 year Tribulation is God’s fulfillment to Israel, not the church. The cult of Rome has lied for centuries about it, but God’s Word is always true. The literal 7-year Tribulation is the last of the 49 weeks of years said to God’s prophet Daniel in Daniel 9:24-27, it is also called the “time of Jacob’s trouble” in Jeremiah 30:7. Verses: Daniel 9:24-27, Jeremiah 30:7

9) The literal Biblical Tribulation will be an actual 7 years from start to finish. God makes this plain in several ways, including the countings of weeks, months, and years in various old and new testament passages. Verses: Daniel 9:24-27.

*** There are more examples to discuss… but let’s get back to one thing that has to happen first.

10) Before even the rapture can happen, Jesus said there is going to be a revival so He comes back to a pure and holy-living body of believers. That’s why there are trials coming to refine your hearts, and those around you. Will you submit to God? Or will you harden your heart and keep fighting your Creator? Time will show. Remember, in all seasons, submit to God, grow in the fear of the Lord, walk holy, encourage and pray for the brethren, even as you see them stumble, pray for their spiritual growth.

An abused wife’s Bill of Rights

I guess one of the most shocking things that ever happened to me was to discover that I have rights. Sad, considering all I’ve lived through. It was such a foreign concept. I have rights̷…

Source: An abused wife’s Bill of Rights

What Not to Say to Hurting People

I’ve been through this… still am. Until God opens the door, I’m still growing in this glowing flame. ~ I understand ~ praying for others who may not or are just starting to figure out their situation… ~ a growing servant/life-slave of Jesus, SH


Reblogged on

Source: What Not to Say to Hurting People

What domestic abuse victims need from the church

The Reasoning And Importance Of Modesty

Conversations of modesty – for the modern generation 🙂 [from my little sister 🙂 ]~ a growing servant/life-slave of Jesus, SH

Rejoicing In The Lord

photo-1444920275954-9dddec6b714eModesty. I find that to be such a lovely word, one that stands for purity of heart, mind and dress, yet also so hated among many (even Christians). Those who embrace modesty are so often accused of embracing legalism and violating individualism. Modesty is seen as belonging to a less enlightened time, a past when people only abided by stricter standers because that was the way life worked and they didn’t know any better.

The modern church sees those who embrace modesty as belonging to one of four camps: 1) The ones who think modesty is old-fashioned and should be tossed out the window along with other “stupid” rules. 2) The ones who like to be “modest” to a point, beliving that they can be satisfactorily modest while still following the world’s definition for the word. 3) Those who truly want to be modest but are made fun of for having such silly standards. 4) The legalist  who follows strict…

View original post 2,300 more words

Why modesty?

Just in time for Summer ~ teaching on modesty of the heart for Godly men and women 🙂


Have you seen the spin, lately?

Grace for my Heart

It’s Narcissist Friday!   

We have made our annual trip to the north country, the land without television, cell phone reception, or internet. Okay, that’s an exaggeration. We choose not to have television, the internet is frustratingly limited, and cell reception is really bad. It’s actually great!

My sources of news these days are MSN and Fox websites. It is nice not to have to listen to the political stuff, but it seems to be impossible to escape the constant spin. One candidate says something and gets into trouble, then spins a perspective that satisfies supporters. Then the other candidate does the same thing. Over and over we hear outrageous things and the amazing spin that makes those things acceptable.

If you had no other evidence that our culture is nearly overwhelmed by narcissism, the spin alone would be enough. When the truth can be twisted so much that horrors…

View original post 380 more words

Examining modesty, pt. 1

amen sister!

Why Modesty Matters: Examining Modesty, Pt. 2

amen sister!

Issues facing abused women that you might not have considered